New Year, Magnetic You!

It’s never too late to make resolutions that can help you become a more vibrant, stronger, and more soulful you. 2014 is the year to make a point to exceed your own expectations by cultivating your wow factor and illuminating your magnetic aura!

Music: Shakira ft. Rihanna- Can’t Remember to Forget You

A Magnetic Aura’s Holiday De-Stressor

The holiday season presents us with so much opportunity to experience joy and embrace the wonderful people in our lives. The stress of the season however, whether it be from work, finals, or crowded malls with competitive shoppers may hinder us from enjoying the magical moments of Christmas. Take a deep breath and have some fun! A stressed individual is not an attractive individual. Energy is contagious, and others will not want to hang out with you if you are exuding a negative, stressful aura. So relax, laugh, and unwind! Life’s too short to be stressed 🙂

Black Friday Reunions on the Dance Floor

Feeling full and sluggish after your Thanksgiving feast?? Join me, and shake off the calories with some hardcore dancing! Work it out this Black Friday, and feel confident in your own skin. Feel the music and love your body. With everyone home for the holidays, what better way to reunite than on the dance floor? You will definitely exude an irresistible confidence and really showcase your magnetic aura!

Music: Timber- Pitbull ft. Ke$ha

Spice Up Your Thanksgiving with a Q & A Sesh!

With Thanksgiving just two days away, I wanted to give you all some ideas of how to mix up the classic family gathering convo. Stray away from hearing the same old stories from Uncle Bob, and avoid getting asked yet again your life plans from Aunt Mildred. OWN THE ROOM, and be thankful for creativity and laughter! Try these questions out, and you will be sure to get everyone having fun. Post comments! Would love to hear your unique questions too! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂